home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15 040=85: %I64d %s
- 16
- 17
- 29 %d :0B0;>38.
- 2000 !>548=5=85...
- 2001 !>548=8;8AL A %s. 68405< welcome-A>>1I5=85...
- 2002 !>548=8;8AL A %s, 8=8F80;878@C5< SFTP...
- 2003 !>548=8;8AL A %s, 8=8F80;878@C5< SSL ...
- 2004 !>548=O5<AO A %s ...
- 2005 8AB8=3 7025@H5=
- 2006 07J548=5=85
- 2007 =8F80;878@C5< @07J548=5=85...
- 2008 !B0@BC5< 703@C7:C A %s
- 2009 03@C7:0 7025@H5=0 CA?5H=>
- 2010 $09; "%s" 1K; CA?5H=> 8<?>@B8@>20=!
- 2011 >?KB:0 A>548=5=8O A %s G5@57 ftp-?@>:A8 ...
- 2012 Ident 70O2:0 >B: %s
- 2013 !B0@BC5B Ident
- 2014 AB0=>2;5= Ident
- 2015 =8<0=85! DLL =5 =0?8A0= 4;O ?@54K4CI59 25@A88 FileZilla! 5@A8O ?@>3@0<<K 2.2.0
- 2016 !>AB>O=85:
- 2017 6840=85 >1=>2;5=8O A>548=5=8O...
- 2018 72;5:05< A?8A>: ?0?>:...
- 2019 !>548=5=85 SSL CA?5H=>. 68405< 0CB5=D8:0F88...
- 2020 !>548=5=85 SSL CA?5H=>
- 2021 !B0@BC5< 703@C7:C =0 A5@25@ %s
- 2022 03@C7:0 =0 A5@25@ 7025@H5=0
- 2023 68405< ?>2B>@5=8O ?>?KB:8... (>AB0;0AL 5I5 1 ?>?KB:0)
- 2024 68405< ?>2B>@5=8O ?>?KB:8... (>AB0;0AL 5I5 %d ?>?KB:0)
- 2100 5 <>3C A>548=8BLAO!
- 2101 5 <>3C A>740BL socet 2 C:070==>< 480?>7>=5 ?>@B>2.
- 2102 5 <>3C A>740BL D09;!
- 2103 5 <>3C A>548=8BAO A SSL
- 2104 5 <>3C ?>;CG8BL B8? D09;0!
- 2105 5 <>3C ?>;CG8BL A?8A>: D09;>2!
- 2106 5 <>3C ?>;CG8BL >B25B!
- 2107 H81:0 ?@8 8<?>@B5 D09;0!
- 2108 5 <>3C 8=8F80;878@>20BL SSL 181;8>B5:C!
- 2109 5 <>3C 703@C78BL SSL 181;8>B5:8. @>25@B5 =0;8G85 D09;>2 "ssleay32.dll" 8 "libeay32.dll" 2 ?0?:5 FileZilla.
- 2110 5 <>3C >B:@KBL D09;!
- 2111 >3-D09; "%s" =5 >B:@K205BAO. 0?8AL ;>30 ?@5:@0I5=0 2 MB>9 A5AA88.
- 2112 0=0; ?5@540G8 =5 >B:@KB. @8G8=0: %s
- 2113 5 <>3C >1@01>B0BL :><0=4C.
- 2114 5 <>3C @0A?>7=0BL 8<O E>AB0.
- 2115 ><0=40 Resume =5 ?>445@68205BAO A5@25@><, ?5@570?8AK20N D09;.
- 2116 ><0=40 Resume =5 ?>445@68205BAO A5@25@><, => ;>:0;L=K9 8 C40;5==K9 D09; 8<5NB >48= @07<5@.
- 2117 5 <>3C 8A?>;=8BL :><0=4C! @5:@0I5=> A>548=5=85 A A5@25@><!
- 2118 5 <>3C 70?8A0BL 2 D09; "%s". @8G8=0: %s
- 2119 !5@B8D8:0B =5 ?@8=OB
- 2120 B:07 ?>;L7>20B5;N! @5:@0I0N A>548=5=85 A A5@25@><.
- 2121 03@C7:0 ?@5:@0I5=0
- 2122 03@C7:0 =5C40G=0
- 2123 "@51C5BAO 22>4 AB@>:8!
- 2124 <O D09;0 =5 <>65B A>45@60BL A;54CNI85 A8<2>;K:\n/ \ : * ? " < > |
- 2125 5 <>3C >B:@KBL ;>:0;=K9 D09; %s
- 2126 5>1E>48<> 225AB8 04@5A!
- 2127 H81:0 ?@8 AB0@B5 Ident A5@25@0
- 2128 01;>:8@>20=> 4;O ?>;L7>20B5;O!
- 2129 #:068B5 ?@028;L=K9 ?>@B!
- 2130 H81:0! /7K:>20O DLL 4;O O7K:0 "%s" =5 >1=0@C65=0!
- 2131 H81:0! /7K:>20O DLL =0?8A0=0 4;O AB0@>9 25@A88 FileZilla 8 =5 A>2<5AB8< A 40==>9 25@A859.\n03@C78B5 =>2CN 25@A8N A A09B0 http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla
- 2132 "0:>5 8<O D09;0 C65 ACI5AB2C5B!
- 2133 0?:0 =5 >1=0@C65=0!
- 2134 2548B5 ?>@B 4;O ?>4:;NG5=8O!
- 2135 H81:0:
- 2136 45=B8D8:0F8O =5C40G=0
- 2137 @>:A8 B@51C5B 845=B8D8:0F88
- 2138 "8? 845=B8D8:0F88, ?>;CG5==K9 >B ?@>:A8 =58725AB5= 8;8 =5 ?>445@68205BAO
- 2139 5 <>3C @0A?>7=0BL 8<O E>AB0 8;8 ?@>:A8-A5@25@0
- 2140 5 <>3C A>548=8BLAO A ?@>:A8-A5@25@><
- 2141 0?@>A =5 ?@8=OB ?@>:A8-A5@25@><, A>548=5=85 157 ?@>:A8 =52>7<>6=>.
- 2142 H81:0! 5 <>3C >1@01>B0BL D09; 'FileZilla.xml', 25@>OB=> D09; ?>2@545=.\n0AB@>9:8 MB>9 A5AA88 1C4CB A>E@0=5=K 2 @55AB@..
- 2143 5 <>3C 8=8F80;878@>20BL CSFtpIpC. >7<>6=> =5 E20B05B A8AB5<=KE @5AC@A>2!
- 2144 5 <>3C 70?CAB8BL SFTP ?@>F5AA. @>25@B5 =0;8G85 D09;0 'FzSFtp.exe' 2 ?0?:5, 2 :>B>@>9 CAB0=>2;5=0 'FileZilla.exe'
- 2145 K?>;=5=85 FzSFtp.exe 1K;> 7025@H5=>, ?@5:@0I0N A>548=5=85.
- 2146 H81>G=K5 40==K5 ?5@540==K 2 SFtp, ?@5:@0I0N A>548=5=85.
- 2147 FzSFtp.exe =5 70?CA:05BAO, ?@5:@0I0N A>548=5=85.
- 2148 "0:>5 8<O C65 8A?>;L7C5BAO! K15@8B5 4@C3>5 8<O!
- 2149 K15@8B5 B8? 845=B8D8:0F88!
- 2150 2548B5 8<O FTP A09B0!
- 2151 2548B5 ?0@>;L!
- 2152 2548B5 8<O ?>;L7>20B5;O!
- 2153 B:@KB B09<0CB!
- 2154 @85< D09;0 >B<5=5=
- 2155 @85< D09;0 =5C40G5=
- 2156 5?@028;L=K9 A8=B0:A8A 04@5A0. "@51C5BAO [ftp://][User:Pass@]Host[:Port][/Path]\n0@0<5B@K 2 [ ] =5>1O70B5;L=K.\nsftp:// 8 ftps:// MB> 4>ABC?=K5 ?@>B>:>;K.
- 2157 5 <>3C >B:@KBL "%s"
- 2158 5 <>3C 70?CAB8BL "%s" 4;O ?@>A<>B@0/87<5=5=8O D09;0 "%s". @>25@LB5 0AA>F80F88 D09;>2KE @540:B>@>2.
- 2159 H81:0, =5 >?@545;5=0?@>3@0<<0 ?@>A<>B@0/87<5=5=8O ?> C<>;G0=8N
- 2160 5 <>3C >?@545;8BL C:070B5;L D09;0
- 2161 Unknown error in SSL layer
- 2162 Could not verify SSL certificate
- 2200 ><0=40:
- 2300 B25B:
- 2301 "@0AA8@>2:0:
- 2400 @5:@0B8BL B5:CI55 A>548=5=85?
- 2401 @5:@0B8BL B5:CICN >?5@0F8N?
- 2402 K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL ?0?:C %d ?
- 2403 K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL D09; "%s"?
- 2404 K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL %d D09;>2?
- 2405 K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL %d D09;>2 8 ?0?>:?
- 2406 $09; "%s" (%d 109B0) C65 ACI5AB2C5B. 0?8A0BL ?>25@E =53> "%s" (%d 109B0)?
- 2407 -B> ?5@2K9 70?CA: ?@>3@0<<K FileZilla 8;8 D09; =0AB@>9:8 1K; C40;5= .\nFileZilla <>65B A>E@0=OBL =0AB@>9:8 2 @55AB@ 8;8 2 XML D09;.\n5;05B5 ;8 K GB>1K FileZilla 87?>;L7>20;0 @55AB@?\n!>E@0=5=85 2 @55AB@ ?@54?>GB8B5;L=>, :>340 70 :><?LNB5@>< @01>B0NB =5A:>;L:> ?>;L7>20B5;59.\nK15@8B5 '5B', 4;O 87?>;L7>20=8O XML D09;0, GB> ?@54?>GB8B5;L=> 4;O >4=>3> ?>;L7>20B5;O.
- 2408 - " ,." !\n;NG A5@25@0 =5 A>>B25BAB2C5B \nA>E@0=5==><C 7=0G5=8N. -B> 7=0G8B, GB>\n04<8=8AB@0B>@K A5@25@0 ?><5=O;8 :;NG8, 8;8 A>548=5=85 8A?>;L7C5BAO\n4@C38< :><?LNB5@><, ?@5B5=4CNI8<\n=0 @>;L A5@25@0.\nB?5G0B>: =>2>3> :;NG0:\n%s\nA;K K ?@8=8<05B5 =>2K9 :;NG,\n2K15@8B5 '0', 4;O >1=>2;5=8O :5H0 8 ?@>4>;65=8O A2O78.\n ?@>B82=>< A;CG05, 2K15@8B5 '5B'.\nA;8 65;05B5 ?>;=>ABLN ?@5:@0B8BL A>548=5=85 2K15@8B5\n'B<5=0'. K1>@ 'B<5=0' !"/ 30@0=B8O\n157>?0A=>AB8 .\n1=>28BL :;NG?
- 2409 %>AB :;NG A5@25@0 =5 A>E@0=5=. 5B\n30@0=88, GB> A5@25@ MB> B>B :><?NB5@, 70 :>B>@K9 K\n53> AG8B0B5.\n\nB?5G0B>: >B :;NG0:\n%s\n\nA;8 K 4>25@O5B5 MB><C E>ABC, 2K15@5B5 '0', 4;O 4>102;5=8O :;NG0 \n8 ?@>4>;65=8O A2O78.\n ?@>B82=>< A;CG05 2K15@8B5 '5B'.\n;O ?@5:@0I5=8OA>548=5=8O 2K15@8B5 'B<5=0'.\n\n!>E@0=8BL :;NG?
- 2410 K 459AB28B5;L=> E>B8B5 C40;8BL "%s"?
- 2411 @>1;5<K ?@8 ?5@540G5 8;8 ?@85<5 '%s'\n>?>;=8B5;L=K9 ?>B>: =5 <>65B 1KBL 70?CI5=. >7<>6=> A5@25@ =5 ?>445@68205B MB>B @568<.\nFileZilla <>65B 8A?>;L7>20BL >A=>2=>9 ?>B>: ?@8 @01>B5 A MB8< A5@25@><. A?>;L7>20BL 53>?
- 2412 $09; "%s" 87<5=5=.\n0?8A0BL 53> =0 A5@25@?
- 2413 $09; 87<5=5=
- 2500 0AB@>9:8CA?5H=> M:A?>@B8@0=K. \n><5AB8B5 D09; .xml 2 ?0?:C FileZilla ?>4 8<5=5< 'filezilla.xml', 8 >= 1C45B 8A?>;L7>20= 4;O A>E@0=5=8O =0AB@>5: 2<5AB> @55AB@0.
- 2501 2548B5 ID >?5@0F8>==>9 A8AB5<K!
- 2502 2548B5 ID ?>;L7>20B5;O!
- 2503 H81:0! 5C40G0 ?@8 8<?>@B5 =0AB@>5: 87 '%s'
- 2504 0AB@>9:8 1K;8 CA?5H=> 8<?>@B8@>20=K.
- 2505 5@E=OO 3@0=8F0 8=B5@20;0 4;O ?>445@60=8O A>548=5=8O 4>;6=0 1KBL 1>;LH5 =86=59!
- 2506 5@E=OO 3@0=8F0 8=B5@20;0 4;O ?>445@60=8O A>548=5=8O 4>;6=0 1KBL <564C %d 8 %d A5:C=40<8!
- 2507 86=OO 3@0=8F0 8=B5@20;0 4;O ?>445@60=8O A>548=5=8O 4>;6=0 1KBL <564C %d 8 %d A5:C=40<8!
- 2508 5@E=OO 3@0=8F0 8=B5@20;0 ?>@B>2 4>;6=0 1KBL 1>;LH5 =86=59!
- 2509 5@E=OO 3@0=8F0 8=B5@20;0 4;O ?>@B>2 4>;6=0 1KBL <564C %d 8 %d!
- 2510 86=OO 3@0=8F0 8=B5@20;0 4;O ?>@B>2 4>;6=0 1KBL <564C %d 8 %d!
- 2511 0:A8<0;L=>5 7=0G5=85 4>;6=> =0E>48BLAO 2 8=B5@20;5 %d 8 %d!
- 2512 2548B5 E>AB 4;O ?@>:A8!
- 2513 2548B5 ?@028;L=K9 ?>@B 4;O ?@>:A8!
- 2514 =0G5=85 4;O ?>2B>@=KE ?>?KB>: 4>;6=> =0E>48BLAO 2 8=B5@20;5 %d 8 %d!
- 2515 Please enter a value between %d and %d for the timeout detection
- 2600 45=B8D8:0F8O =5C40G=0, >1K:=>25==> MB> >7=0G05B,\nGB> =5B Kerberos version 5 18;5B0.\n;8 =5B Leash32.\n>6=> ?5@540BL 40==K5 =570H8D@>20==K<8,\n=> MB> @8A:>20==> \n B0: :0: ?0@>;L <>65B 1KBL 4>ABC?5= 4@C38< ?>;L7>20B5;O<?
- 2601 5 <>3C 703@C78BL 8;8 =09B8 %s
- 2602 4=0 8;8 1>;55 GSS 181;8>B5: =5 <>65B 1KBL 703@C65=0!
- 2603 81;8>B5:0 Kerberos 5 DLL =5 <>65B 1KBL 703@C65=0!
- 2700 2548B5 8<O ?0?:8!
- 2701 2548B5 8<O =>2>9 ?0?:8:
- 2702 2548B5 FTP :><0=4C
- 2703 45AL 22>48BAO :><0=40, :>B>@0O 4>;6=0 1KBL 2K?>;=5=0 =0 A5@25@5:
- 2704 2548B5 ?0@>;L
- 2705 2548B5 ?0@>;L, :>B>@K9 1C45B 8A?>;L7>20= ?@8 ?>4:;NG5=88 : A5@25@C:
- 2706 2548B5 =>2>5 8<O D09;0
- 2707 2548B5 8<O, ?>4 :>B>@K< D09; 1C45B 70?8A0=:
- 2708 CB5=D8:0F8O 2 @CG=>< @568<5
- 2709 Enter your username
- 2710 Please enter the username that will be used to connect to the server:
- 2800 !>548=5=85
- 2801 568< >B;04:8
- 2802 5H :0B0;>3>2
- 2803 0AB@>9:8 Firewall
- 2804 0AB@>9:8 FTP ?@>:A8
- 2805 >445@6:0 GSS
- 2806 0AB@>9:8 Ident A5@25@0
- 2807 0AB@>9:8 8=B5@D59A0
- 2808 /7K: ?@>3@0<<K
- 2809 0AB@>9:8 ;>:0;L=>3> A?8A:0 D09;>2
- 2810 07=>5
- 2811 0AB@>9:8 Proxy
- 2812 0AB@>9:8 C40;5==>3> A?8A:0 D09;>2
- 2813 3@0=8G5=85 A:>@>AB8 A>548=5=8O
- 2814 0AB@>9:8 ?5@540G8 D09;>2
- 2815 ASCII/2>8G=K9
- 2816 @>A<>B@ 8;8 87<5=5=85 D09;0
- 2817 0AB@>9:8 SFTP
- 2818 >;>65=85 45@520 :0B0;>3>2
- 2819 Message log
- 2820 Compression
- 3000 =8F80;870F8O A>:5B0 =5C40G=0
- 3001 >60;C9AB0, 2K15@8B5 ;>:0;L=CN ?0?:C.
- 3002 Certificate chain too long
- 3003 Certificate has expired
- 3004 Certificate is not yet valid
- 3005 Certificate rejected
- 3006 Certificate signature failure.
- 3007 Certificate not trusted
- 3008 Self signed certificate
- 3009 Format error in certificate's valid until field
- 3010 Format error in certificate's valid fom field
- 3011 Invalid CA certificate
- 3012 Unsupported certificate purpose
- 3013 Key usage does not include certificate signing
- 3014 Path length constraint exceeded
- 3015 Self signed certificate in certificate chain
- 3016 Unable to decode issuer public key
- 3017 Unable to dedrypt certificate signature
- 3018 Unable to get issuer certificate
- 3019 Unable to get local issuer certificate
- 3020 Unable to verify the first certifcate
- 3021 Unknown certificate verification error
- 3022 The error occured at a depth of %d in the certificate chain.
- 3023 The certificate seems to be valid.
- 3024 #AB0=>28B5 =>2K5 0B@81CBK 4;O ?0?:8 "%s"
- 3025 #AB0=>28B5 =>2K5 0B@81CBK 4;O D09;0 "%s"
- 3026 #AB0=>28B5 =>2K5 0B@81CBK 4;O 2A5E 2K1@0=KE D09;>2 8 ?0?>:
- 3027 0B0
- 3028 7<5=5=
- 3029 <O D09;0
- 3030 07<5@ D09;0
- 3031 "8? D09;0
- 3032 %>AB
- 3033 >48D8F8@>20=
- 3034 <O ;>:0;L=>3> D09;0
- 3035 ;045;5F / @C??0
- 3036 @020
- 3037 <O C40;5==>3> D09;0
- 3038 07<5@
- 3039 !>AB>O=85
- 3040 @5<O
- 3041 2548B5 ?@028;L=>5 8<O E>AB0
- 3042 2548B5 8<O 8 ?CBL 4;O ;>:0;L=>3> D09;0
- 3043 2548B5 ?@028;L=K9 ?>@B A5@25@0
- 3044 2548B5 8<O 8 ?CBL 4;O C40;5==>3> D09;0
- 3045 2548B5 8<O ?>;L7>20B5;O
- 3046 5@540G0 >B<5=5=0
- 3047 @8B8G5A:0O >H81:0 ?@8 ?5@540G5
- 3048 H81:0 ?@8 ?5@540G5 #%d. @>1C5< ?5@540BL A=>20...
- 3049 !;8H:>< <=>3> >?F89
- 3050 5@540G0:
- 3051 4@5A:
- 3052 0@>;L:
- 3053 >@B:
- 3054 &KAB@>5 A>548=5=85
- 3055 <O ?>;L7>20B5;O:
- 3056 <8AB8=3 ?CAB>9>
- 3057 >20O ?0?:0
- 3058 >20O ?0?:0 %d
- 3059 >2K9 FTP A09B
- 3060 >2K9 FTP A09B %d
- 3061 "5:AB>2K9 D09; (*.txt)|*.txt||
- 3062 5@52> FTP A09B>2
- 3063 XML D09; (*.xml)|*.xml||
- 3064 109B0
- 3065 GB
- 3066 KB
- 3067 MB
- 3068 %s 2K?>;=5=>
- 3069 %s >AB0;>AL
- 3070 !>548=8;8AL A %s
- 3071 !>548=O5<AO A %s
- 3072 CAB0O ?0?:0
- 3073 >:0;L=0O ?0?:0:
- 3074 #40;5==0O ?0?:0:
- 3075 CAB0O ?0?:0.
- 3076 %d D09;>2, @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3077 %d ?0?>: 8 %d D09;>2 @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3078 %d D09;>2, @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3079 %d ?0?>: 8 %d D09;>2, @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3080 K1@0=> %d D09;>2, @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3081 K1@0=> %d ?0?>:.
- 3082 K1@0=> %d ?0?>: 8 %d D09;>2 @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3083 K1@0=> %d D09;>2 @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3084 %d ?0?>: 8 %d D09;>2 @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3085 1 D09; @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3086 1 ?0?:0.
- 3087 1 ?0?:0 8 %d D09;>2 @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3088 1 D09; @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3089 1 ?0?:0 8 %d D09;>2 @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3090 1 ?0?:0 8 1 D09; @07<5@>< %I64d bytes.
- 3091 %d ?0?:8 8 1 D09; @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3092 1 ?0?:0 8 1 D09; @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3093 %d ?0?:8 8 1 D09;>2 @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3094 K1@0= 1 D09; @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3095 K1@0=0 1 ?0?:0.
- 3096 K1@0=0 1 ?0?:0 8 %d D09;>2 @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3097 K1@0= 1 D09; @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3098 K1@0=0 1 ?0?:0 8 %d D09;>2 @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B
- 3099 K1@0=0 1 ?0?:0 8 1 D09; @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3100 K1@0=0 1 ?0?:0 8 1 D09; @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3101 K1@0=K %d ?0?:8 8 1 D09; @07<5@>< %I64d 109B.
- 3102 K1@0=K %d ?0?:8 8 1 D09; @07<5@>< =865 %I64d 109B.
- 3103 @8>AB0=>2;5=>
- 32768 @5:@0B8BL B5:CICN >?5@0F8N
- 32769 >?8@>20BL 40==K5 > B5:CI5< A>548=5=88 2 5=5465@ !09B>2
- 32770 -:A?>@B =0AB@>5: 2 D09;
- 32771 <?>@B =0AB@>5: 87 D09;0
- 32772 K7>2 480;>30 =0AB@>9:8 FileZilla
- 32773 !>548=5=85 A A5@25@>< ?> C<>;G0=8N 87 5=5465@0 !09B>2
- 32774 -:A?>@B 40==KE > 2A5E FTP A09B0E 2 B5:AB>2K9 D09; :0: A?8A>: URL
- 32775 -:A?>@B 40==KE > 2A5E FTP A09B0E 2 B5:AB>2K9 D09; A> 2A5<8 ?>4@>1=>ABO<8
- 32778 !>740=85 ?0?:8 =0 A5@25@5
- 32785 ><>IL
- 32786 >:070BL ?0=5;L C:070B5;O 2 D09;5 ?><>I8
- 32787 >:070BL ?0=5;L ?>8A:0 2 D09;5 ?><>I8
- 32797 >:07K20BL 2 2845 :@C?=KE 7=0G:>2
- 32798 >:07K20BL 2 2845 A?8A:0
- 32799 >:07K20BL 2 2845 B01;8FK
- 32800 >:07K20BL 2 2845 <5;:8E 7=0G:>2
- 32808 -:A?>@B 2A5E >1J5:B>2 2 7040=85
- 32809 <?>@B 7040=8O 87 2=5H=53> D09;0
- 32810 0?CA: >1@01>B:8 7040=8O
- 32811 >340 MB> ?>;5 2K1@0=>, FileZilla <>65B ?5@54020BL =5A:>;L:> D09;>2 >4=>2@5<5==>
- 32812 !<5=0 ?0@>;O 4;O 2E>40 =0 A09B. 5 2A5 FTP A5@25@K ?>445@6820NB MBC :><0=4C.
- 32813 >?8@>20BL URL 04@5A B5:CI53> A5@25@0, 2:;NG0O ?CBL, 2 1CD5@ >1<5=0
- 32814 >72>;O5B 2K?>;=OBL FTP :><0=4K =0 A5@25@5
- 32815 CG=0O =0AB@>9:0 ?5@540G8 D09;>2
- 32816 >340 2K1@0=>, FileZilla ?>:07K205BA:@KBK5 D09;K =0 A5@25@5.
- 32820 FileZilla A?@>A8B > ?5@570?8A8, 5A;8 D09; ACI5AB2C5B
- 32821 5@570?8AL D09;0, 5A;8 >= C65 ACI5AB2C5B
- 32822 5@570?8AL D09;0, 5A;8 >= C65 ACI5AB2C5B ( 5A;8 70?8AK205<K9 D09; 1>;55 =>2K9)
- 32823 0?@>A =0 ?5@58<5=>20=85 D09;0, 5A;8 >= C65 ACI5AB2C5B
- 32824 @>?CA: D09;0, 5A;8 >= C65 ACI5AB2C5B
- 32825 @5:@0I5=85 ?5@540G8, 5A;8 D09; C65 ACI5AB2C5B
- 32826 K?>;=8BL 7040=85
- 32834 !>548=8BL 83=>@8@CO ?@>:A8
- 32835 &G8AB8BL
- 32846 >:07K20BL 2 2845 :@C?=KE 7=0G:>2
- 32847 >:07K20BL 2 2845 A?8A:0
- 32848 >:07K20BL 2 2845 B01;8FK
- 32849 >:07K20BL 2 2845 <5;:8E 7=0G:>2
- 32850 >:070BL/!:@KBL ?0=5;L 7040=8O
- 32851 >:070BL/!:@KBL C40;5==>5 45@52>
- 32852 0:070BL/!:@KBL ;>:0;L=>5 45@52>
- 32853 5=5465@ A09B>2
- 32854 -:A?>@B A?8A:0 FTP A5@25@>2 2 D09;
- 32857 <?>@B A?8A:0 FTP A5@25@>2 87 D09;0
- 32859 025@H8BL B5:CI55 A>548=5=85
- 32860 1=>28BL B5:CI55 A>548=5=85
- 32861 1=>28BL 2A5 ?0=5;8
- 32867 >:07K20BL @07<5@ D09;0
- 32868 >:07K20BL B8? D09;0
- 32869 >:07K20BL 2@5<O 8 40BC 87<5=5=8O D09;0
- 32870 0:070BL/!:@KBL ?0=5;L A>>1I5=89
- 32871 >:070BL/!:@KBL ?0=5;L 1KAB@>3> A>548=5=8O
- 32872 >:07K20BL 0BC/@5<O D09;0
- 32873 >:07K20BL @07<5@ D09;0
- 32874 >:07K20BL ?@020 =0 D09;
- 32875 >:07K20BL 0BC/@5<O D09;0
- 32876 B>1@078BL ?0=5;L AB0BCA0 ?>4 ;>:0;L=K< A?8A:>< D09;>2 A 8=D>@<0F859 > D09;0E (2K1@0==KE) 8 ?0?:0E
- 32877 B>1@078BL ?0=5;L AB0BCA0 ?>4 C40;5==K< A?8A:>< D09;>2 A 8=D>@<0F859 > D09;0E (2K1@0==KE) 8 ?0?:0E
- 32878 @5:@0B8BL 2K1@0==CN ?5@540GC 8 C40;8BL 55 87 7040=8O
- 32879 @8>AB0=>28BL 2K1@0==CN ?5@540GC
- 32880 @>4>;68BL ?@8>AB0=>2;5==CN ?5@540GC
- 32881 >:070BL ;045;LF0 / @C??C D09;0
- 32890 Sort remote filelist by filename
- 32891 Sort remote filelist by filesize
- 32892 Sort remote filelist by filetype
- 32893 Sort remote filelist by the date/time of the file
- 32894 Sort remote filelist in ascending order
- 32895 Sort remote filelist in descending order
- 32896 Sort local filelist by filename
- 32897 Sort local filelist by filesize
- 32898 Sort local filelist by filetype
- 32899 Sort local filelist by the date/time the files have been modified last
- 32900 Sort local file list in ascending order
- 32901 Sort local file list in descending order
- 32902 &Empty history
- 57344 FileZilla
- 57345 >B>2
- 57664 ?@>3@0<<5 FileZilla
- 57665 KE>4 87 FileZilla
- 57670 >:070BL A>45@60=85 ?><>I8
- 59392 >:070BL/!:@KBL ?0=5;L C?@02;5=8O
- 59393 >:070BL/!:@KBL ?0=5;L A>AB>O=8O
- 61190 KE>4 87 FileZilla
- 61440 Open
- 61441 Save As
- 61442 All Files (*.*)
- 61443 Untitled
- 61446 an unnamed file
- 61457 &Hide
- 61472 No error message is available.
- 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
- 61474 A required resource was unavailable.
- 61475 Out of memory.
- 61476 An unknown error has occurred.
- 61477 An invalid argument was encountered.
- 61696 Invalid filename.
- 61697 Failed to open document.
- 61698 Failed to save document.
- 61699 Save changes to %1?
- 61700 Failed to create empty document.
- 61701 The file is too large to open.
- 61702 Could not start print job.
- 61703 Failed to launch help.
- 61704 Internal application error.
- 61705 Command failed.
- 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
- 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
- 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
- 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
- 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
- 61712 Please enter an integer.
- 61713 Please enter a number.
- 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
- 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
- 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
- 61717 Please select a button.
- 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
- 61719 Please enter a positive integer.
- 61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
- 61721 Please enter a currency.
- 61722 Please enter a GUID.
- 61723 Please enter a time.
- 61724 Please enter a date.
- 61728 Unexpected file format.
- 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
- 61730 Destination disk drive is full.
- 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
- 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
- 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
- 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
- 61744 %1: %2\nContinue running script?
- 61745 Dispatch exception: %1
- 61836 Unable to read write-only property.
- 61837 Unable to write read-only property.
- 61840 Unable to load mail system support.
- 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
- 61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
- 61856 No error occurred.
- 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
- 61858 %1 was not found.
- 61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
- 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
- 61861 Access to %1 was denied.
- 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
- 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
- 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
- 61865 Seek failed on %1
- 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
- 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
- 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
- 61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
- 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
- 61872 No error occurred.
- 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
- 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
- 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
- 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.
- 61877 %1 has a bad format.
- 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object.
- 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema.
- 61888 pixels
- 62177 Uncheck
- 62178 Check
- 62179 Mixed